Server maintenance

  • Hello Creatures of the Night!

    Another planned maintenance has been scheduled for Wednesday, 17.03.2021, restarts will be carried between 10:00 and 11:00 CET.

    Μὴ μου τοὺς κύκλους τάραττε!

  • Hello,

    Another regular maintenance has been scheduled for Tuesday, 16.08.2022, restarts will be carried out between 10:00 and 11:00.

    Your BiteFight Team.


    ~ Why don't we whisper pretty lies? ~

  • Hello,

    Another regular maintenance has been scheduled for Wednesday, 01.02.2023, restarts will be carried out between 10:00 and 12:00.

    Your BiteFight Team.


    ~ Why don't we whisper pretty lies? ~

  • Hello,

    Another regular maintenance has been scheduled for Wednesday, 08.02.2023, restarts will be carried out between 10:00 and 12:00.

    Your BiteFight Team.


    ~ Why don't we whisper pretty lies? ~

  • Hello,

    Another regular maintenance has been scheduled for Tuesday, 07.03.2023, in order to fix some internal issues and wrong highscore values. Restarts will be carried out between 10:00 and 12:00.

    Your BiteFight Team.


    ~ Why don't we whisper pretty lies? ~

  • Hello,

    Another regular maintenance has been scheduled for Tomorrow, 05.09.2023. Restarts will be carried out between 10:00 and 12:00.

    Your BiteFight Team.


    ~ Why don't we whisper pretty lies? ~

  • Hello,

    Another regular maintenance has been scheduled for Tomorrow, 23.10.2023. Restarts will be carried out between 05:00 and 09:00.

    Your BiteFight Team.


    ~ Why don't we whisper pretty lies? ~

  • Hello,

    Another regular maintenance has been scheduled for Monday, 22.04.2024. Restarts will be carried out between 05:00 and 09:00.

    Your BiteFight Team.


    ~ Why don't we whisper pretty lies? ~

  • Hello,

    Another regular maintenance has been scheduled for Wednesday, 1.10.2024. Restarts will be carried out between 10:00 and 12:00.


    Fixed: Players can no longer attack their own multi-account in Henchman fights.

    Sometimes an opponent would not be found in PvP matchmaking.

    Sometimes an orb could be successfully crafted, deducting resources from the player, without the player actually receiving it.

    Not all players could attack one another in the House of Pain.

    Health points were not always reduced after a battle.

    Players sometimes didn’t receive the gold reward from Tavern missions.

    Deleting friends from the buddy list didn’t always work as expected.

    Sometimes players could attack enemy players twice within 1 hour (i.e. during the PvP cooldown).

    Players did not always receive the reward after completing the Underworld.

    Your Bitefight Team